Sabtu, 07 Maret 2009

Information Systems Analysis and Design [Part-2]

Diposting oleh namayana

system development can mean to composed a bew system to replace old ones system as a whole or repair system that there. the importance of system development because caused several things
  • not neat in old ones system causess old ones system doesn't operate well. not neat can be in the form of
  • intentional deceits that causes not wealth treasure the safe companies and data truth soes less well guaranted,
  • not the efficient operation,
  • not bidding management policy that appointed.
  • organization growth information need more vaster, data volume more increase, bew accountancy principle change. causes old ones system becoming not effective.
  • to reaches to chances (opportunities) because the increasing of ready information and make use to chance existing, for example market opportunities, service that increase to customer and other as it
  • instructions existence (directives) bew system composers happen instructions from on leadership and or from outside organization likes government regulation for example
organization’s expectations after implementing an information system
  • performance enhanced towards bew system performance so that be effectiveer.
  • information enhanced towards information quality that presented
  • economy enhanced towards benefit or profit or decreasing cost that.
  • control enhanced towards control to detect and will repair error with deceit that will happen
  • eficiency enhanced towards efesiansi operation
  • services service enhanced towards service that given by system
principles of developing an information system
  • system that developed management after system finished developed, so that use information system from system management, so that system must can support need by management
  • system that developed big capital investment. in information system development needs capital investment very big, so every capital investment must considering 2 matters.
- all alternative existing must investigation.
- best investment must valuable
  • system that developed to need one who educated
  • work stage and duties that must be done in course of system development
  • system development process must not be straightened
  • don't be afraid cancel project
  • documentation must there for guide in system development.
System development life cyclelopmen

waterfall model

first be be done in model waterfall requerments having taken ste requerment so design a information system care of mengemplemtasi into a organization then verification what that system walk well afterwards good system must always be cared

iteratif model

in model iteratif this us must make planning and then do requirement that having taken ste then makes design and that having taken ste the analysis is then does test having taken ste test we return to beginning to repair matter less in antecedent information system

spiral model

approaches of developing a system

Ø will approach classic opponent will approach structured will approach this will emphasized that system development

success when follow stage at system life cycle.

Ø classic approach in system development that follow stages at system life cycle without supplied with

tools and techniques memadai.

Ø structured approach this that begun from beginning year 1970 called with approach structured. approach structured equiped with to

ols and techniques that wanted in system development so that end result from system that developed be got

system so that end result from system the structure will be be defined well and clear.

Ø approach pieces opponent approaches system. approach pieces be to approach system

development that emphasized at one particular activity or certain application.

approach system that pay attention information system as one integration unitary to each activity or the application.

Ø approach botton-up opponent approaches top-down

approach botton-up begun from level under organization, that is level where is transaction done. approach this begun from needs

formulation to handle transaction and climb level on with formulate information need based on transaction.

approach top-down on the contrary begun from level on organization, that is level strategy planning.

approach this begun with define target and organization policy.

Ø approach system comprehensive opponent approaches

approach system - comprehensive be to approach menyang system together according to comprehensive. will approach this less

synchronized for system complex because difficult to be developed. this be to approach classic approach moduler

try memecah complex system therefore some part or simple module, so that system easier will be

understood and developed.

Ø approach great loop opponent approaches to bloom.

approach to great loop apply change according to together use sophisticated technology. this change is many

contains risk, because computer technology so fast bloom and to year coming be worn out.

approach this too expensive, because need investment at the same moment.

methodology is method's unitary, procedures, job concepts, rules and postulates that used by a art science or discipline the other. while method a manner, systematic technique to does a certain. sequences procedure for this trouble-shooting is known with algorithm term

three classifications of development methodology

Ø functional decompotion methodologies this methodology emphasizeds in solution from system into

subsystem smaller, so that easier to be understood, designed and applied, belong insides this group

§ hipo (hierarchy plus input-process-output)

§ stepwise refinement (sr) or iterative stepwise refinement (isr)

§ information-hidding

Ø data-oriented methodologies

· methodologies this is in general based in solution from system intoes modules based on data

element type and behaviour module logic in system. belong in methodologies this

¨ sadt (structured analysis and design technique)

¨ composite design

¨ structured system analysis and design (ssad)

Ø data structure oriented methodologies methodologies this emphasized structure from input and output at system

· jsd (jakson's system development)

· w/o (warnier/orr)

Ø prescriptive methodologies

§ isdos (information system design and optimazation system) system automatically development process


isdos has 2 components psl and psa. psl be component from isdos that is a language to register user

need in the form of machinereadable form. psa be software package that resemble with data

menctionary and used to check data that putted into that kept that analyzed and produced as output report

§ plexsys use from plexsys do tranformasi a statement high level computer language to a executable

code to a desirable hardware configuration.

§ Pride be a inwrought software good to analysis / design structured system, data management,

project management and documentation.

§ sdm/70 (systems development methodology / 70) be a full software with method collection,

estimation, documentation and administration instruction to help user to develop and care effective system

§ spectrum be system development methodology that developed and marketted by company at america.

graph formed system development tools accompany.

hipo diagram is used at methodology hipo and the other methodology

data flow diagram, used at methodology structured system analysis and design

structured chart used at methodology structured system analysis and design

sadt diagram is used at methodology sadt

warnier/orr diagram is used at methodology warnier/orr

jakson's diagram is used at methodology jackson system development

moment and then be developed for periods next will follow the need as according to existing

technique that used in system development

Ø project management technique, that is CPM (kritikal path method) and

PERT (program evaluation and review technique). this technique is used for project scheduling.

Ø technique find fact (fact finding techniques) that is technique that can be used

to gather data and find facts in activity study existing system.

Ø interview

Ø observation

Ø questionnaire

Ø sample collecting

Ø analysis technique cost/ benefit

Ø technique to run meeting.

Ø technique inspection/walkthrough.

system analyst one who analyze system to identify solution that have occasion to. programer one

system analyst one who analyze system to identify solution that have occasion to. programer

one who write program code to a certain application based on has planned to get up that made by system analyst.

1. knowledge and skill about data processing technique, computer technology and computer programming.

2. business knowledge in general

3. knowledge about quantitative method

4. trouble-shooting skill

5. communication delivers personal

6. skill builds connection delivers personal

system analyst

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